[Mixed] 7 chakra & lava stones - göshö bracelet
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Goshö bracelet for men/woman designed with real natural stones with multiple properties. The Göshö brand has more than a hundred different stones with each of the specific properties.
This bracelet can be put down easily because it is elastic.
This bracelet has different useful stones for the 7 chakras:
Properties of this bracelet: The different stones work on 7 chakras, he is associated with lava stones on half of the bracelet.
Maintenance: The stones are alive and transform as they use: they change their shade, crack, and can even lose their properties if Ell They are too contacted.
but if you maintain them well and send them positive energy, they will keep it and will be able to return it to you. When we receive a mineral, the latter must be imperatively purified to evacuate all the influences which he has been responsible for since his extraction until he arrives in your hands.
Indeed, the stone has been manipulated by many people, placed in various places and has stored a multitude of energies. It should be unloaded from the latter and recharge it from its initial energies. There are different techniques for the maintenance, cleaning and energy purification of stones.
- Water purification: it is the simplest. The stone must be immersed in a container filled with water for a minimum of 5 hours.
- Purification with salt water: plunge the stone into salt water for 2 to 3 hours and then rinse it there in clear water.
The proportions of the saline solution are half a teaspoon of salt for 20 cl of distilled or demineralized water preferably.
There are several methods for recharge stones . The most used is recharging by light.
Light is a universal natural energy that it emanates from the sun or the moon. The stone should be placed in the light of one of these two stars to recharge it. The sun will have a faster effect, 1 to 2 hours will be generally enough, while for the moon it will be necessary to leave it an entire night.
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